Shortcut: Drill Powered Pencil Sharpener

Drill Powered Pencil Sharpener

As someone who keeps an electric drill in the same 5 foot proximity of a manual wall pencil sharpener, here's a clear cut case of "Why didn't they think of this sooner?!"... Introducing, the coolest drill bit ever:

Wowee, just watch it go. The C.H. Hanson Pro-Sharp Finishing Pencil Carpenter proclaims itself as the "world's first chuckable drill powered pencil sharpener". It promises to produce "a fast, consistent pencil point every time" and universally fits any drill or 1/4" quick change system. Reviewers on Amazon attest:

  • "This is the next best thing to sliced bread in a bag! Sharpened a gross (144) pencils in less than 15 minutes! This item paid for itself in the first use!"
  • "New pencils are too long. It takes hours of chewing or whittling to get them reduced to a manageable size. This drill powered pencil sharpener cuts my pencil reduction time by at least 90%."

Shortcut: Drill Powered Pencil Sharpener

Cool find, notcot.

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